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William is a practitioner of Chi Kung and Tai Chi with over 25 years of teaching in this field. William currently teaches classes in both Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung and Lam style Tai Chi along with Wu Dan Dragon Sword Form. He is also a registered mindfulness teacher with BAMBA.

How did William start?

Growing up William always was an active sportsman but, in the early 90’s, William injured his leg just before moving to Singapore. There he was introduced to Master Xie Li and ‘Kong Jin Chi Kung’ and William became a devotee of standing Chi Kung. On return to the UK in 1994 William started training in Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung with Master Lam Kam-Chuen in London and subsequently became an instructor within The Lam Association, being given in time permission to teach Chi Kung, Tai Chi and Wudang Dragon Sword Form. Under Master Lam, William also learned Shaolin Staff, broad sword and Choy Lee Fut forms.

Where does William teach?

From 1999, William taught, at different times, classes in Chi Kung, Tai Chi and Sword forms at Jamyang Buddhist Centre. Since 2017 William has been teaching Chi Kung and Tai Chi at the Methodist Hall, Herne Hill, as well as at West Norwood Library & Picturehouse. William also teaches Chi Kung weekly online to regular students and to an out-patients group from the Hospital of Integrative Medicine, UCLH as well as monthly classes at BLAS, Camberwell. By profession, William is a teacher of children and young adults with special educational needs, particularly autism and learning difficulties. Currently working part-time.

Mindfulness Teaching

Interest in Buddhist meditation led William to mindfulness practice and training. Over the past 5 years, he has led a number of 8-week mindfulness courses and drop-in classes through the London Centre for Mindfulness. He also teaches an ongoing weekly class at the West Norwood Library & Picturehouse as well as a weekly drop-in session to users of The Proton Beam Cancer Department at UCLH. William has a long-standing engagement with Buddhism as well as a Master’s Degree in Theology and Philosophy of Religion.

about styles


Chi Kung

There are many types of Chi Kung. The form William teaches is here called ‘Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung’ is an ancient practice, dating back some 25 centuries or more into Shamanistic healing, designed to stimulate the body’s natural energy, working on the different organs, increasing health in body and mind. Literally - standing like a post – but sometimes referred to as ‘Standing like a Tree’, ZhanZhuang is one of the most powerful forms of Chi Kung when practised seriously. Zhan Zhuang forms a key element of all the internal martial arts, but especially of Yi Chuan, otherwise known as Da Cheng Chuan, ‘The Great Accomplishment Boxing’, which was the name given to the art as demonstrated by Grandmaster Wang Xian Zhai  (1886 – 1963).

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Tai chi

This is a Chinese system of exercise dating back around 500 years ago to the Ming Dynasty, but with roots in ancient Chi Kung and martial systems. It consists of slow-flowing movements accompanied by natural breathing that relaxes and develops the whole person, improving both physical and mental health, balance and harmony. At an advanced level it’s a lethal martial art. The style taught here is known as ‘Lam Style Tai Chi Chuan’. Master Lam first learned the Old Sun Style of Tai Chi from Master Leung Tse Chueng. Fusing this with his later understanding from Zhan Zhuang he developed his own internationally recognised form of Tai Chi. This has a small circle form and longer forms.

The lineage

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Grandmaster of 

Zhan Zhuang

Wang Xiang Zhai (1886 – 1963)

Born in Hebei province, China, the young Wang Xiang Zhai suffered from poor health and was encouraged by his father to take up martial arts and train in Xingyiquan under his elder uncle, Master Guo Yunshen. Under Master Guo the fundamental practise was Zhan Zhuang, or standing meditation. After his master’s death, Wang Xiang Zhai spent the next 10 years travelling throughout China meeting and studying under other great martial arts masters of his day and became virtually undefeatable from opponents both within and outside China. His practise of the art became known as 'Da Cheng Chuan': The Great Accumplishment, the core element of which was the training in Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung. Towards the end of his life he devoted himself to expoloring the connection between Zhan Zhuang for health and Chinese medicine.

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close Disciple of

Grandmaster wang

Yu Yong Nian (1920 – 2013)

One of Wang Xiang Zhai's close disciples, Professor Yu Yong Nian (1920 – 2013) was a dental surgeon and was attracted to the health aspects of Grandmaster Wang’s Zhan Zhuan, having suffered terribly from exhaustion at work. Professor Yu subsequently went on to spread Zhan Zhung for health in hospitals throughout China and after the Cultural Revolution published the first books on Zhan Zhuang for health. Professor Yu was renowned for his humility and generosity as well as his amazing skill.

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World-renowned Master

Lam Kam Chuen

Born in Hong Kong shortly after the Second World War, Lam Kam Chuen began training in martial arts and Chinese Medicine at the age of 11. He studied under some of the leading exponents of Xing Yi, Iron Palm, Shaolin Kung Fu, Sword and Spear, Choy Lee Fut and Tai Chi Chuan, winning many major competitions in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia. Although hearing of Professor Yu in the 60s, Master Lam was only able to study directly with him after the Cultural Revolution. Thereafter he became a lineage holder of Da Cheng Chuan. Master Lam came to the UK in the 70s, setting up his Clinic of Chinese traditional medicine and Martial Arts, and publishing his first book on Zhan Zhuang ‘The Way of Energy’ in 1991. He continues to run his Clinic and practice along with his son Tin Yu Lam.

Monday Evenings:

6.00 – 7.00 pm Chi Kung & Tai Chi

7.00 to 8.00 pm Lam Style Long Form


Saturday Morning:

10.00 – 11.00 pm Chi Kung

11.00 – 12.00 pm Tai Chi

Thursday Mornings:

11.00 – 12.00pm Tai Chi

12.05 - 12.55pm Mindfulness meditation

Monthly Sunday Evening:
Chi Kung Classes

contact William for more details

Class description

Chi Kung, Tai Chi and Mindfulness all have a very deep heritage, developed through the centuries by masters and adepts of the respective arts. Here my focus is on teaching the foundations that are invaluable for improving the health and well-being of the student. Chi Kung (Zhan Zhuang)
This is made up of fixed positions that emphasise stillness on the outside and movement within. The training also includes slow moves and steps uniting body and mind. Stillness, relaxation and grounding are key elements throughout. Tai Chi classes
The focus here is on Master Lam’s 'Small Circle Form', although some students go on to learn Lam Style Middle and Long forms. The classes are tailored to the participants and emphasise structure, relaxation, coordination, balance and intent. The emphasis is always on health and suitable for all. Mindfulness
Learning to be more embodied through gently bringing one's attention to the present moment in a kind, non-judgemental, way; connecting to the flow of life. Classes can be taken as drop-in sessions, or part of an 8-week course through the London Center of Mindfulness.


Group class: If you are new to the class or only wish to attend a single session, the class fee will be £15.00 per session.

William encourages regular comers with a discounted bundle fare at:
A) £60.00 for 4 sessions plus 1 session free, total 5 sessions to be used within a 6-week period;

B) £90.00 for 6 sessions plus 3 sessions free, total 9 sessions to be used within a 12-week period.

There is a special offer at Herne Hill Methodist Hall costing £15.00 for 2 sessions every Saurday.


Chi Kung Zoom class is available every Monday 9.00 – 10.00 am


Private Classes online or in person are also available upon request. Contact William for more details. sessions 

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